How to take care of the health of your betta fish


What is the best place to buy a betta fish? Online! Betta Fishes are fun to watch and interesting to know, but there is more than one way to take care of them. 


Read on if you want to raise your betta fish or need a few tips on keeping them healthy and happy in their aquariums!


1 - Keep the water heated between 76 and 82 degrees


A temperature between 76 and 82 degrees is ideal for koi betta.


To measure the temperature of your aquarium, place a thermometer in the middle of the tank and watch it as you turn on your heater or air conditioner. 


Make sure to keep an eye on it so that you can adjust accordingly if needed!


2 - Perform a water change once a week


Whatever the case, you should perform a water change every week. The frequency of your water changes depends on how often your tank is cleaned and refilled—and that's something you can control by how well you take care of it.


How much to change: 


You don't want to make this too easy for yourself, but if you're changing out 1 gallon per 10 gallons (or 5 liters per 100), that's about right. Do another if you haven't changed anything in more than a month!


3 - Add de-chlorinator to the water


Dechlorinators are used to remove chlorine and chloramine from tap water. You can add them directly to your tank or the water, depending on how you want them to work.


Dechlorinators come in different forms—you'll find them at pet stores or online, but they may also be called "water conditioners."


Prime is one of the most popular brands of de-chlorinator because it doesn't have any harmful chemicals (like some other brands do). Stress Coat offers an alternative that's just as effective but less expensive than Prime. 


AquaSafe and Prime both work well with betta fish tanks; however, AquaSafe only works when there isn't any chlorine in your tap water (which is why we don't recommend using it if you live near an ocean).


3 - Feed them a balanced diet


Feeding your fish a balanced diet is important because it provides them with the nourishment they require to develop and thrive. A well-balanced diet can help prevent common health problems like fin rot and eye infections.


A good betta fish should comprise at least three components: protein, fat, and carbohydrates (not all foods are created equal).


Proteins are essential for building muscle mass; fats provide energy; carbohydrates give your betta energy, and vitamins such as vitamin A and D3 help keep their skin healthy! 


Avoid overfeeding and underfeeding!


4 - Maintain proper tank conditions


        Keep the tank clean.

        Maintain a healthy temperature for your betta fish within their preferred range (80-85 degrees Fahrenheit). A few degrees lower or higher than this can cause stress, which is not good for your betta fish's health!

        Keep the water level consistent to prevent overflow and siphoning issues (this will also help maintain proper oxygen levels).

        Ensure enough oxygen is in the water so it doesn't get too acidic or too alkaline—which could completely harm your Betta!



If you take care of your betta fish, they will reward you with a healthy and happy life.

